
Showing posts from January, 2014

An Aam Aadmi's learnings

Dear Fellow Aam Admis, I would love to take this opportunity to applaud all of us for having rid of corruption in Delhi. It also gives me immense pleasure that we elected a brilliant set of people who will, in the next 60 days, change Delhi into a New York. Or Las Vegas. Or Paris. We are also extremely fortunate that, we have, after 60 years of independence, elected a set of people who can do no wrong. A set of people who Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King together could not match in righteousness. Even Jesus Christ was a sinner. Not our CM. Gauthama Budha would be a proud man too. He now has a successor. And we have a CM who is the only enlightened soul in the country now, after Gauthama Budha. A long wait it has been indeed. We also need to thank our newly elected bunch of non political aam admis for giving us a new fashion trend for the fall/autumn – a Gandhi topi, scarf and a jhadoo! But then there are a lot of things we can learn from Mr. CM. First things