
Showing posts from August, 2006


Rethinking on the concept of living for the next generation, let me take think in another angle- Why do we give our kids everything in life? Why do we protect them till they are own their own? Doesn’t this have a I, ME, MINE thinking to it? My kid, My family- Being possessive about owning things? We all derive personal pleasure from this. Parents tell the world “ My son is so and so”, a direct emphasis on MY SON – Parents derive a lot of pleasure when their kids grow up an become successful- Even a small award the kid gets becomes a talking point for him/her for sometime. Why? As a parent, im telling the world that my son is successful because I have molded him well- he has won this award because he is my son! An indirect but not so subtle reference to the fact that its all my doing- and as a parent I derive pleasure out of it. Ultimately at the end of the day I become happy when my family thinks that I have taken good care of them! So when we think of it, we do not actually live for

The Journey of Life

They call life a journey. An endless journey till the moment you are given back to nature. How you traverse this world is nobody’s concern, but everybody’s consideration. You are at the end judged for how you have traversed this journey. Any form of judgment is ‘judgmental’, which tends to be very subjective. You get judged for what you were in life- what position where you when you retired from professional life, how well off are your kids and so forth-but never on how well you enjoyed your life, your career and your family life. Embarking on this journey of life, we all fall into a mundane and routine life. Work, take home salary, feed your family, satisfy your kid’s requirement and save enough money for the kids and wife when you are not there anymore. It’s about one generation living for the next- day in day out, generation after generation. And if you decide to live otherwise, you are called selfish and as someone who never cared for the family. So where are you heading? A colleag

In an introspective mood

Days have passed without me having putting my fingers on the keypad with the express purpose of blogging. Well, I have been too preoccupied to put down my random thoughts. Actually, I have been contemplating- on my writings and on my views. Have I been writing for the sake of writing or did I suddenly get upbeat about my ability to write? Was it a bit too much to have thought that I could actually put these thoughts together and publish a book? Well, of these are to an extent right. One comment from someone who knows what he is talking about made a lot of sense to me. A comment that I have heard once before on my style of writing. The comment is “this is more like a diary” and “most of the time you are talking to yourself and not addressing the reader”. A very valid comment when you read the next line – “Diary based books have always sold, but most of these are period/event based and with a touch of history to it” and “if your diary based book has to sell it needs to have a lot of ins